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Media Analysis/Analytics

Vee Technologies provides professional qualitative media analysis and analytics that revolutionize the way organizations understand essential social metrics. Whether print or digital, our qualitative media analysis and analytics experts interpret your organization’s data and condense it to provide actionable insights to make strategic business decisions. 

Our innovative media analysis and analytics accumulate, analyze, and interpret data from numerous sources so that you only see the most important news that is relevant to your business. Our quantitative analysis provides your organization with the raw data and numbers needed to understand the share of media attention for the total coverage of a specific product. We also provide insightful data related to specific markets, products, and competition. We select the sources that are most important and give you the number of times a particular keyword, phrase, names, or even just the word connected with your organization, market, product, or competition was mentioned. 

Vee Technologies also provides an analysis of:

  • Newspapers, business magazines, blogs, television channels, and more
  • The media’s reach across specific cities or countries
  • The size or length of the story: the space (in print and digital media) and time (in broadcast other news media) that it occupied
  • Placement: The page or section in which the news appeared
  • Quantity: The number of tweets, articles, posts, or mentions
  • Media circulation: The total number of copies of a particular publication or the reach of a particular television channel, blog, Twitter handles, etc.
  • Audience share: How many people saw/interacted with the media

Our media analysis and analytics solution makes sense of the media sources that you see on a daily basis and creates actionable reports. The combination of our services in quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, share of voice, and PR analysis results in an effective media intelligence package that can be used to track marketing and publicity campaigns, monitor social trends, and understand the opinion of both the public and key influencers.
